Professional Hunter
(official Ph.licence n°639/1983 RCA)


Jacques Lemaux arrives in the profession in 1978 in the team of the organization les Safaris du Haut Chinko.

He begins his training while prospecting the unexplored areas and the source of the Chinko. He begins to guide and organize some safaris on foot with columns of 40 carriers.

Hunt in that time was essentially elephant hunting.

Orientation, the study of the cards, the choice of the territory, the intuition of the places, research and the discovery of new sites or saline to find the biggest trophies was the school for the PH of this country.

It is in this context that he opens the zone in the basin of the Chinko river,  where will be taken the Derby  eland number 1 SCI

Jacques Lemaux during 18 years hunts in this territory and completes his seasons in different countries of Africa and Asia.

1981. Eight months in season of hunt in the big equatorial forest in Gabon.

1981. Expedition of six months of prospecting in Somalia.

1983. Again in CAR for the hunt of  Derby Eland and the Bongo.

1989. Two seasons in Tanzania with Tanganika Wildlife Safaris and simultaneously in CAR.

1996. Season interrupted in CAR. Half season in Tanzania with Masaïlandhunting.

1998. End of “Les Safaris du Haut Chinko” due to intensive poaching.

1999. Hunts with the Safaria organization for the Eland of Derby and organizes the first equip Pygmy to research of the bongo for this company.

1999, 2000. Hunts in Pakistan in the Balouchistan area for the Blandfort Urial and the Sind Ibex.

2001. First visit of the villages in the East of the RCA.

In September at the end of the rainseason organizes an expedition carrying up the Chinko river.

First attempt succeeded of bongohunting with the Zandés ski trackers shouldered by Pygmy trackers and their dogs.

2002. Prospecting searches for salt marshes, discovery, establishment of camps, state of fauna and location of the big solitarybull of bongo.


The trackers have an unequaled experience to follow the traces of the animals.

The presence of Pygmy in the team constitutes a supplementary success insurance.

All trackers are the untiring hunters who look for the result and the best trophies of the area.

Organization, Professional Hunter: Jacques Lemaux
via Bovecchio 45,  Barberino di Mugello, 50031 Firenze, Italy. Tel/Fax: +39 055 8420670. 
